my recent reads..

LEAP#308 Combinational Logic 7-segment LED Driver

Ben Eater published a fantastic video/tutorial on designing a 7-segment hex decoder as an adjunct to his 8-bit breadboard computer quest. The first thought was of course “that’s an awful lot of work just to drive a 7-segment display .. lucky we don’t have to do that these days!” My next thought was naturally: “OK, now let’s build it!”. It was in fact a great excuse to dust off some combinational logic methods. As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub


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LEAP#307 Boldport Matrix Keypad Control

So… ways to get arbitrary messages onto the Boldport Club Matrix? I happen to have a KeyboardMatrixModule that is coincidentally 5 keys high by 4 wide .. a number that neatly fits into the 24x5 display port of the Matrix. So I’ve wired it up and enabled a couple of commands to edit a message and start it scrolling. It is somewhat tedious, but it works! As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub


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LEAP#303 Keyboard Matrix Module

I picked up one of these 4x4 Independent Keyboard Matrix modules to see how useful it might be for arbitrary input with a microcontroller. I examine how it is constructed, and provide some examples of how to make it work: LedControl - controlling the LEDs; KeyMatrixInput - multiplexed key input; SwitchInterrupts - interrupt-driven switch input. As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub hero_image

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LEAP#302 Game of Life on the Boldport Club Matrix

This is a quick and dirty implementation of Conway’s Game of Life on the Boldport Matrix, mainly to learn a bit more about using the AS1130 LED driver. As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub


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