LEAP#312 Matrix Firecracker
I was a bit dubious about the possibility of creating a decent firecracker animation on the 24x5 Matrix display. The additional PWM settings create another dimension, so the simulacrum is perhaps not so far off the mark. To light the firecracker, I want to use a real fire of course;-) As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub
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LEAP#311 The Boldport Club Juice
Juice is a battery replacement kit that uses a pretty nifty set of AA, AAA, A23 and CR2032 inserts to inject the required regulated power where a battery or two would normally be required.
Power can be supplied via the micro USB connector, or any other power supply that can be clipped or screwed on to the body of the Juice.
All the structural parts punch out from the classy PCB like a model plane kit;-) The box folds up and doubles as a “Juice box”.
As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub
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LEAP#310 TEA5767 FM Stereo Chip
A couple of TEA5767 Low-power FM stereo radio chips landed in my lap. They arrived mounted on a small module board with all the essential supporting circuitry, so they should be ready to run without much external hardware. This project is a simple test drive under Arduino control. It simply skips through a selection of local FM stations and works amazingly well! As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub.
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LEAP#309 Audio Connectors
Audio signals can be carried by any kind of connection, but there are some more commonly used standard connectors for audio applications.
I started this project folder to collect notes on the verious connectors I use or have encountered.
As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub
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