First, fiction:
- The Paris Option
- The Warden
- The Pyrates
- The Leavenworth Case
- The Best Laid Plans
- A Different Point of View
- HunterKiller
- The Ambler Warning
- The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsène Lupin, Gentleman Burgler
- Software Fortresses
- The Weather Makers
- Rails for Java Developers
- The World is Flat
- blink
- The Tipping Point
- Softwar - An Intimate Portrait of Larry Ellison and Oracle
If there's one single recommendation I'd make, it would be to check out Terry Fallis' The Best Laid Plans. It's a delight - as a (free) podcast novel, and soon I will hopefully have the real, physical book in my hands...
Along the way I've snuck in a few music faves such as Gwen Stefani's The Sweet Escape (also with a mention of Japan's incredible Uplift Spice) and Rush's Exit.. Stage Left.