Project Nimbus: 2.0 gaining momentum!
I was excited to hear about the Project Nimbus initiative at last night's SRB meetup (Jason's the great Gladwellian connector)
When I wrote my opinion piece "Could Open Government initiatives help drive innovation in Singapore?", I had in mind a key proposition that it would be really smart for Government to push open data initiatives, as any costs or concerns associated would be repaid many times over by the resulting stimulus to local innovation and economic development.
With that in mind, it's really heartening to see that some cool cookies have gone beyond just talk, and established Project Nimbus with the goals:
- To unite the voices of Singapore Innovators and identify data sets and services we as Innovators want
- To work with content owner and government entities for the appropriate release of these data sets and services to Singapore Innovators
The main engagement point is the UserVoice page they have setup to collect and filter ideas (through the voting process). This is a great way of first making sure you are dealing with ideas that have real support and interest.
Once you have qualified ideas, the next steps are where Project Nimbus could make the difference from every other idea that ever got sent up only to have its wings fold on launch: make sure you have the idea packaged in a Government/agency-friendly way, and then ensure the message gets through to the right people (who care, and have appropriate authority).
As we were discussing yesterday, good ideas without execution are .. nothing but wishful thinking really. It seems like Project Nimbus has all the right bases covered. It will be really exciting to see the first successes start to come through (they already have two ideas progressed to the stage of taking to the agency concerned).
This could be a really interesting year;-)
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Rails authentication with Authlogic and RPX
The Singapore Ruby Brigade had it's monthly meetup last night. Great discussions as always, and how can you complain when you get to carry on over maggi mee goreng supper until the wee hours;-)
Here are the slides from my talk about Rails authentication options in general, and specifically why and how to use RPX with Authlogic (using the Authlogic_RPX gem I released last week).
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Released: Authlogic_RPX gem, the easiest way to support multiple authentication schemes in Rails
I've just made Authlogic_RPX public for the first time and invite any rails developers to take a look. It's a ruby gem that adds suppport for RPX authentication in the Authlogic framework for Ruby on Rails. With RPX, you get to support all the common authentication schemes in one shot (Facebook, twitter, OpenID etc).
Authlogic_RPX is available under the MIT license, and a number of resources are available:
- Authlogic_RPX source repository:
- Live Demonstration Site:
- Demonstration site source repository:
The best place to find out more is the README, it contains the full background and details on how to start using it. Feedback and comments are welcome and invited (either directly to me, or you can enter them in the github issues list for the project).
Authlogic_RPX plugs into the fantastic Authlogic framework by Ben Johnson/binarylogic. Authlogic is elegant and unobtrusive, making it currently one of the more popular approaches to authentication in Rails.
RPX is the website single-sign-on service provided by JanRain (the OpenID folks). It complements their OPX offerings I wrote about recently. RPX abstracts the authentication process for developers and provides a single, simple API to deal with. This approach is great for developers because you only need to build a single authentication integration, and leave to JanRain the messy details of implementing and maintaining support for the range of authentication providers: OpenID, OAuth, Facebook Connect, AOL, Yahoo, Google, and so on..
If you want to learn more, there was recently a great podcast interview with Brian Ellin from JanRain on the IT Conversations Network: RPX and Identity Systems
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Twitpocalypse II: Developers beware of DB variances
Alert: "Twitpocalypse II" coming Friday, September 11th - make sure you can handle large status IDs!
Twitter operations team will artificially increase the maximum status ID to 4294967296 this coming Friday, September 11th.
At that point, the limit was raised to the unsigned 32-bit limit of 4,294,967,296. Now we're heading to crack that this week. You can track our collective rush to the brink social celebrity meltdown at;-)
First reaction: OMG, it's taken only 3 months to double the volume of tweets sent over all time? That's a serious adoption curve.
Next reaction: once again, application developers are reminded that we unfortunately can't ignore the specifics of the database platform they are running on and just take it for granted.
It's actually quite common for development and production infrastructure to be subtly different. This is especially true in the Rails world where SQLite is the default development database, but production systems will often be using MySQL or PostgreSQL.
If you are using a hosted ("cloud") service it may even take some digging to actually find out what kind of database you are running on. For example, if you use Heroku to host Rails applications, most of the time you don't care that they run PostgreSQL (originally I think they were using MySQL but migrated a while back).
It's in situations like Twitpocalypse that you care. With a Rails-based twitter application, use an "integer" in your database migrations and you will have no problem running locally on SQLite, but you're app will blow up on a production PostgreSQL database when you encounter a message with status_id above 2,147,483,647.
Fortunately, the solution is simple: migrate to bigint data types.
And the even better news is that ActiveRecord database migrations make this a cinch if you have been using integer types in the past. For example, if you've been using an integer type to store "in_reply_to_status_id" references in twitter mentions table, the change_column method will happily manage the messy details for you:
class ForcebigintMentions < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
change_column :mentions, :in_reply_to_status_id, :bigint
def self.down
change_column :mentions, :in_reply_to_status_id, :integer
It's always a good idea to check fundamental limits for the database platforms you are using. They are not always what you expect, and you can't safely apply lessons from one product to another without doing your homework.
Here's a quick comparison of integer on some of the common platforms:
- SQLite: INTEGER. The value is a signed integer, stored in 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 bytes depending on the magnitude of the value. i.e. will automatically scale to an 8 byte signed BIGINT (-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807)
- PostgreSQL: INTEGER 4 bytes (-2147483648 to +2147483647). Use BIGINT for 8 byte signed integer.
- MySQL: INT (alias INTEGER) has a signed range of -2147483648 to 2147483647, or an unsigned range of 0 to 4294967295. Use BIGINT is the 8 byte integers.
- Oracle : NUMBER type ranges from 1.0 x 10^-130 to but not including 1.0 x 10^126. The activerecord-oracle-enhanced-adapter provides facilities for intepreting NUMBER as FixNum or BigDecimal in ActiveRecord as appropriate.
PS: there's been some discussion of why twitter would schedule this update on Sep 11th and publicise it as the Twitpocalypse II. I hope it was just an EQ+IQ deficiency, not someone's twisted idea of a funny or attention-grabbing stunt.
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