my recent reads..

LEAP#259 M62429 Digital Pot

I’m trying out some digital potentiometers for an application. The M62429 is a dual channel electronic volume control so actually works on a log scale, but can be used for non-audio applicaitons. The programming interface is a very simple two-wire (data, clock) serial protocol. But being so simple (and having a strange command length of 11 bits) it’s not really possible to use either the standard Wire or SPI libraries. Time for some bit-banging! As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub hero_image

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LEAP#258 Another Clap Switch and Excuse to Solder Boldport-style

I’ve had this clap-switch (voice activated) kit sculling around for a while .. another “stocking stuffer” bargain from aliexpress. The circuit is very similar to a previous clap-switch project, and nothing drastically interesting. So I pulled this kit out primarily to practice some Saar Drimer/Boldport-style soldering. The objective is simply beautiful solder domes;-) I do some comparisons, and come to the realisation that the solder stock is perhaps the most important factor. As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub hero_image

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LEAP#257 It's a Blinking Emergency!

I joined the Boldport Club rather late, but manage to snaffle up the Emergency kit PCB in sale of “Just Less the Perfect” boards. Since I’m working with just the PCB, there’s an obvious challenge to do something a bit different. After a bit of experimentation, I was able to get something to work with only a few liberties taken with the original PCB - it is now an LED blinky with 3 passives and a transistor (Esaki Effect) As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub hero_image

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LEAP#256 The BoldportClub Pease

A Bob Pease tribute, this LM331 voltage-to-frequency kit was the first Boldport Club project. I joined the Boldport Club rather late, and missed out on the original Pease kit (now out of stock). But I did manage to snaffle the PCB in sale of “Just Less the Perfect” boards. Since I was kit-less, I decided to experiment a bit and slow down the frequency - the end result is a light/voltage controlled “blinky”. As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub hero_image

Here’s a quick demo video to show it works..

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