LEAP#412 BJT Comparator
Analog comparators throw an output high or low based on the comparison of two voltages. Normally you’d use an OpAmp or Comparator IC for this, but here I’m testing the essential concept realised with discrete transistors.
As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub
Here’s a trace of the output (red) resulting from the comparison of input (yellow) and reference (blue) voltages..
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LEAP#411 Cordwood III Archway Trigger Mod
This is the third Boldport Club project in the Cordwood series, and I’ve gone off-road with a true 3D archway layout. One thing lead to another, and soon I had a completely pointless LED blinking machine spring-loaded LED trigger machanism.
As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub
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LEAP#410 Rube-Goldberg LED Blinking Machine
Here’s a marriage of Homopolar motor and Joule thief that results in a truly impractical Rube-Goldberg mechanism for blinking an LED with a AAA battery. It may be inefficient, but I like it .. mainly because I haven’t seen any quite like this before!
As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub
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LEAP#409 Boldport Bugs: The Conehead
Conocephalus is a genus of bush-crickets, known as coneheads. Now I have one beautifully rendered in a 3D kit from Boldport. It even has a pretty convincing FM-synthesised chirp that varies in response to lighting conditions.
Boldport projects never fail to inspire some new learning. In the case it introduced me to Pure Data - a nifty open source visual programming language for multimedia. I reproduced the Pure Data chirp model and added a few more controls to make it easier to play around with.
As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub
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