my recent reads..

LEAP#240 Digital Input with Analog Pins

This is a simple demonstration of a tip shared in the Arduino Tips and Tricks email newsletter. On the Arduino Uno, there are 6 analog pins. While we’d normally use AnalogRead to read A/D values and AnalogWrite to write PWM, they can also be used as GPIO digital pins. As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub hero_image

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LEAP#236-9 AudioDSP Effects

The AudioDSP project is a custom DSP shield for Arduino, intended for guitar effects processing. So time to try a few effects:

  • Boost is a simple clean boost/volume control
  • Distortion is a simple clipping distortion effect
  • Crunch is a distortion effect using asymmetrical clipping based on Schetzen formula
  • SuperCrunch is a distortion effect using symmetrical clipping based on Schetzen formula hero_image

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LEAP#235 AudioDSP DIY Shield for Arduino

I wanted to try some digital signal processing on the Arduino/AVR for some time. This project started a breadboard-build of a circuit based on the pedalSHIELD by electrosmash, just to see if it was even half-way decent. When that worked out, I put it on protoboard and did a bit more work on the software (refactored the core routines into an AudioDspDriver library). Along the way I also got the genuine kit from electrosmash. As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub hero_image

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LEAP#234 CMOS Inverter Oscillator

I found this oscillator circuit used in the LEAP#182 PowerSupply317Kit. It is another variation of the basic Schmitt Inverter Waveform Generator pattern, which I tested in LEAP#022 SchmittOscillator. But performance … is quite terrible actually. Oscillation is only sustained for a small sweep of the 100kΩ pot. The waveform is also heavily asymmetric - with a duty cycle at most 25%. hero_image As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub

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