LEAP#284 The Boldport Gent
Building The Gent, Boldport Club Project #10. A simple circuit on a beautiful board. As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub
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LEAP#061 Set-Reset Latches
I recently revisited some old projects after watching Ben Eater’s great video explaining SR latch behaviour. First, I breadboarded a Set-Reset Latch with BJTs in LEAP#061, tested it with an Arduino in LEAP#062, then later built a Set-Reset Latch with NAND gates in LEAP#077. As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub
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LEAP#283 XOR with NAND gates
I recently needed an XOR gate, but only had NAND gates on hand. NAND (and NOR) gates are sometimes known as “universal” logic elements, as it is possible to contruct any other type of logic gate with them. So while a little wasteful, I’m using the four NAND gates of a single 74LS132 chip to produce one XOR gate. As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub
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LEAP#282 Function Generator Kit
The XR-2206 monolithic function generator is a pretty capable chip that can do a whole lot more than is required for this function generator kit (like sweep and AM/FM synthesis). The part now appears to be obsolete however, which probably explains why it is showing up in a flood of kits similar to this one. Performance is remarkably good. The main drawback is no feedback or calibration of actual frequency and amplitude being generated. If the details matter, it is necessary to also hookup an oscilloscope or frequency counter. Of course this also means there’s no warning or protection against clipping the output signal. As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub
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