LEAP#301 DHT11 Sensor Basics
The DHT11 sensor is a very cheap and common sensor that provides readings of relative humidity (20-80% ±5%) and temperature (0-50°C ±2°C). For a first test, I’m using a simple DHT11 library from the arduino playground. As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub
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LEAP#300 The Matrix LED Test
The LRAS1130 Arduino library from @luckyresistor is an easy way to get started with the BoldportClub Matrix and an Arduino. I’m using a slightly modified version of the LedTest sketch from the library here. LED test = all passing! As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub
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LEAP#299 The Boldport Club Matrix
The Matrix is an I²C-controlled 24x5 LED matrix display, powered by an AMS AS1130 LED driver. It’s made of 0.2mm thick circuit board so it can slightly bend. A few can be chained together for a larger display. With 120 0805 LEDs and an SSOP-28 AS1130, this kit is another great excuse to fire up the hot-air and get a stencil from OSHStencils. As always, all notes, schematics and code are in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub
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LEAP#298 The Golden Hind
A nice diversion .. a simple kit of the Golden Hind (Model 9209) ended up in my shopping cart on an impulse. I’ve been curious about the recent popularity of these mini 3D metal models. I am guessing the availability and affordability of precision laser cutting equipment might have something to do with it. The Metal Earth brand is often seen in toy retailers (it even has its own sub-reddit!), but the model designs all see to be common from a few Chinese manufacturers. The model I have here comes from Shantou Mini Qute Trading Co. Ltd. As always, all notes in the Little Electronics & Arduino Projects repo on GitHub
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