my recent reads..

Comically Large Things

Comically Large Things is a site devoted to the supersize. Why? Apparently because big = big laughs!
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Proof! Oracle Development have a funny bone

Recurity Labs GmbH have a very interesting post on their investigation of the new password algorithms in Oracle Database 11g.

I did a double-take when I saw the set of hashing algorithm identifier values (used as a parameter to the ztv2ghashs hashing function)..

0xf00d means: Use MD4
0xdead means: Use SHA1
0xbeaf means: Use MD5

Ah! It's an oldie but a goodie. Brings back schoolboy memories of getting your LCD calculator to spell out well-known petroleum companies.

And good to see that even in the depths of Oracle Development there's a willingness to do something a little special, for no reason other than because they can.
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Rails for Java Developers

I've picked up and put down quote a few Ruby and Rails books, but haven't found anything that really captured me. That is, until Rails for Java Developers. The discussion is intelligent, and the comparisons between Java and Rails approaches is a great learning process. Thankfully, it doesn't get into slamming one or the other but just focuses on the how. I've worked through some parts of the book so far (my Rails learning is not exactly on the fast track yet!), but I can definitely recommended it if you have the Java background.

Ruby on Rails for Dummies, on the other hand, simply reinforces my dislike of the whole Dummies idea. I'm not against straight-to-the-point beginner texts (on the contrary, that's what I was looking for!) but this books suffers the worst of two blights:
  • It doesn't get straight to the point. Only so many cutesy, hip analogies and stories I can deal with.

  • It lays a limited and 'closed' foundation of knowledge. For example, it takes you through project configuration with an IDE but never hints there is another way. Fine if you never want to go beyond the basics that you get spoon fed here, but if you have higher ambitions at some point you'll have to unlearn/relearn all of the fundamentals you learn here. I hate that. By all means teach me grade 1, but help me build a mental model that can accommodate grade 2,3 and beyond at the same time.
Give this a wide berth.

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The Pyrates

Before Guybrush Threepwood, before Captain Jack Sparrow ... there was Captain Avery and Colonel Blood to shiver your timbers and brace the mains'l. Avast thar!

George MacDonald Fraser's Pyrates is a grand farce that rolls in just about every piratical stereotype. Similar in style to his Flashman series, and I think executed almost - but not quite - as successfully.

The delicious juxtaposition in book's dedication gives you an idea of GMF's style ;-)

In memory of the Most Reverend and Right Honourable Lancelot Blackburne (1658-1743)
Archibishop of York and Buccaneer

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