my recent reads..

Request header rewrites with Java servlet filters - now on sourceforge

Some time back I posted a sample and discussion of request header rewrites with Java servlet filters, and I now finally got around to setting it up with its own sourceforge project.

RewriteRequestHeaderFilter is a Java servlet filter for request header rewrites according to regex rules specified in the servlet init parameters. It is packaged as a sample application and also jar that can be inserted into any arbitrary site. Logo
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I haz audible! / Dune

As a long time TWiT listener, and a fan of audiobooks, I've long been tantalised by one of the TWiT network's biggest sponsors - audible.

To my chagrin, last I checked - admittedly a long time ago - I was unable to subscribe to audible because I live in Singapore. Undoubtedly due to pre-Copernican copyright issues.

After chatting with a colleague from the US the other day who was raving about audible, I thought I'd try again.

Success! I am over the moon to now be a totally addicted audible member (it seems 99% of titles are available for purchase to me - just a few that are restricted due to copyright).

With my free credit (for signing up as a TWiT listener) I bought the unabridged adaptation of Frank Herbert's Dune. The production by Audio Renaissance is truly wonderful. The selected use of character actors, and subtle atmospheric music and sound effects really bring the story to life, keeping you enthralled for the full 21 hours.

It is many years since I last read and re-read Dune, and it was great to rediscover the book in audio. Still the SF classic I remember, and now I have it sitting in my audible library for another listen in the not too distant future.

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Config Files for Windows - an Enhancement

In a previous post, I described a general scheme for managing config files for Windows.

Well, there's a simple enhancement that I've added concerning how to locate the config file for the script in question.

The issue is that if I run a script, you always wanted to look for the config file relative to the script location. This can be easily done using Windows Batch Parameter Expansion. %~dp0 expands to the path of the current script, and %~n0 is the name of the script file. Hence, to name the appropriate config file for a script, we generate the name as follows:

set LOCALCONF=%~dp0conf\%~n0-%COMPUTERNAME%.cmd

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Business Networking that Doesn't Suck

I really like Geoffrey Grosenbach's ruby on rails podcast, especially because it's not just about rails (even though Rails is a keen interest of mine).

On the latest issue, I was excited to learn about "Business Networking that Doesn't Suck" as they say.

I immediately subscribed, but was disappointed to find that there's nothing happening in my local area yet (Singapore), at least not within 6000km.

Something that we should change soon, especially given the attention paid to entrepreneurship in Singapore. Take the efforts of SPRING for example, or the investment that the government is making in Interactive Digital Media.

I love the idea of this site, and hope to find some local compatriots up there soon!
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