But there's still an issue that it can't run under Ruby 1.9.x. That's not very good if you are targeting 1.9.2 for your project.
Here's a quick recipe for how you can build a 1.9.2 project with CC, using the wonders of rvm..
# download and unpack CC to /usr/local/cruisecontrol-1.4.0 (or where you like)
# for convenience, add .rvmrc in /usr/local/cruisecontrol-1.4.0 to have it run 1.8.7
echo "rvm 1.8.7-p302" > /usr/local/cruisecontrol-1.4.0/.rvmrc
# configure CC:
cd /usr/local/cruisecontrol-1.4.0
./cruise add my_project_name --source-control git --repository git@github.com:myname/myproject.git
# ^^ This will initialize the ~/.cruise/projects/my_project_name folder for a git-based project
# if you have an .rvmrc file in your git repo, pre-emptively trust it to avoid clogging CC:
mkdir ~/.cruise/projects/my_project_name
rvm rvmrc trust ~/.cruise/projects/my_project_name
In ~/.cruise/projects/my_project_name, edit cruise_config.rb to run a shell script instead of the standard build task (I'm calling it ccbuild.sh and it will be in the root of my git repo):
Project.configure do |project|
# [.. other stuff ..]
project.build_command = './ccbuild.sh'
# [.. other stuff ..]
Add ccbuild.sh to your repository (don't forget to chmod u+x it). It needs to ensure rvm script is loaded and activate the correct ruby & gemset.
The script initialization is necessary because it seems the way CC spawns the shell script it doesn't pick up the rvm initialization you might already have in .bash_profile. Without rvm script initialization, "rvm" will invoke the binary which can't make the direct environment mods it needs to do.
Here's what I have in ccbuild.sh:
if [ "$(type rvm | head -1)" != "rvm is a function" ]
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm || exit 1
if [ "$(type rvm | head -1)" != "rvm is a function" ]
echo "rvm not properly installed and available"
exit 1
rvm use 1.9.2-p0@mygemsetname --create
bundle check || bundle install || exit 1
rake # setup to run all required tests by default
Once that's checked in and pushed to the repo, you can kick-off CC:
cd /usr/local/cruisecontrol-1.4.0
./cruise start
Now my ccmenu is green, and CruiseControl is running my project under 1.9.2 and rails 3.0.2;-)
Blogarhythm: Waiting for the light ART-SCHOOL